Firstly, I would like to mention how proud we are of our Year 6 children. They have worked extremely hard for their state grammar school examinations and, as a cohort, we are very pleased with their collective achievements and their superb attitude. As a class, they all deserve a great deal of praise.
Following on from this, all our children from Year 2 to Year 6 completed externally marked assessments in Maths and English prior to the half-term holiday. The assessments have been returned to us with the comment that in all year groups and in both subjects the cohorts have achieved results that are 'significantly higher than the national average'. We are again very proud of all these children and this will hopefully bode well for future examinations too.
As parents, you will receive feedback on these scores in the forthcoming reports and Parents Evenings.
So well done to all of our hard-working children and their talented and committed teachers on these fantastic achievements.
Rick Hyde