Year 6 Honours
I’m sure for many Forest parents of Year 6 children, it doesn’t seem that long ago when their children were just starting their Forest journey in our Nursery/ Kindergarten. Now, we proudly present to you, our Year 6 Leaders for the academic year ahead:
JM - Head Boy
GM- Head Girl
MH- Deputy Head Boy
SH- Deputy Head Girl
JH- Games Captain
LA and OM- Swimming Captains
ZJ- Netball Captain
BS- Football Captain
IF- Music Captain
CC- French Captain
IC and LI- Kersal Captains
RD and JW- Mimwood Captains
FF and AS- Jordan Captains
FS and MW- Chorlton Captains
NA- School Council Chair
LA- Swimming Captain
SC- Digital Leader
An Insight Into Parliament
As part of their morning via live link to Parliament, Year 6 enjoyed a very topical question and answer session with Sir Graham Brady. They discussed all sorts of issues; COVID-19, education, the petrol crisis, our local area and Manchester Airport. Year 6 asked some very mature questions and were a true credit to Forest.
Mr Booth’s Treat Trip
Every year, we are so proud of the way in which our Year 6 children bound into school in September; they know exactly what is expected of them and always strive to achieve their full potential in everything they do. This year has been no different. Each and every pupil has come into school each day with the determination to succeed in whatever their Year-6-school-day throws at them, in true Forest fashion. As a reward for their attitudes and efforts, Mr Booth will be taking the class ten pin bowling next Friday to demonstrate to the children how impressed he is with their continued ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ mantra!