With a phased return of sports, it has been an increasingly busy term at Forest. We were welcomed back with socially-distanced-arms to Altrincham Leisure Centre, for the first swimming lessons in over a year. This was a milestone moment for our current Year 1 children, as it was their first school swimming lesson! Considering all the excitement, Mrs Burns and Mrs Wells were thrilled with how the class conducted themselves and the delayed start meant children had had more time to perfect dressing themselves, which the teachers were also equally thrilled about!
Earlier this week, our Lower and Upper School Sports Day took place. Congratulations to house winners; Kersal for Lower School and Chorlton for Upper School. Please click here for more information on the day.
Last half term, Soccerwise ran its ever-popular holiday camp here on site. It was especially lovely to welcome back a Forest Alumni, ON, from Wellington School, to help out. He is still a true gent with the friendliest demeanour and is welcome back any time! Soccerwise will be returning for their hotly anticipated summer camps on the 19th July. Follow this link to book your place now!