In this edition of the E-Magazine, I would just like to reinforce what an amazing school community we have at Forest.
Throughout this period of remote learning, there is no doubt that our dedicated staff have been working very hard, with many completing roles that are new to them. On-site, our grounds, catering and office staff have all been providing their usual high levels of support and service, whilst our motivated and enthusiastic Pre-Prep team have continued to welcome and teach their children every day. Our ever-so-valued Teaching Assistants have provided care to the children of Critical Care Workers, whilst being heavily involved within the remote learning process.
Online, the class and specialist teachers have remained as dedicated and committed as ever and, in these challenging circumstances, have provided our children with the best learning experience possible.
At home, parents have, as they always do, supported the school and their children at every opportunity: demonstrating understanding, patience and input, which has allowed remote learning to work as effectively as possible. The supportive and positive comments to staff have been greatly appreciated and on behalf of the staff, I would like to pass on our huge thanks.
The children at Forest are simply amazing. They are resilient at every turn. I see every day that, even remotely, they have a special relationship with their teachers and they remain as engaged, inquisitive and hard-working as they are in school. Their manners and behaviour online has been impressive for all to see and we are so proud of them all.
Thank you to everyone for making this community so special to be a part of and we hope to have it back in school again very soon.
Rick Hyde