At the start of each term, every class from Nursery to Year 6 takes part in ‘Forest E-safety Week’.
These lessons consist of age appropriate topics, which help the children safely navigate their way through off and online computer safety.
EYFS and Lower School lessons this term, focused on how to safely use a computer whilst online and what to do if a pop up appears on the screen.
Both Year 3 and 4, both learnt about the ‘personal information’ they should not include when they make their own Vlog (video-blog) during this half terms topic and why they should keep their personal information safe.
The Year 5 and 6 children worked together to discuss the importance of reporting any unkind messages or comments they see whilst online. They each designed their own poster to help children throughout the school understand more about how and why it is important to be safe whilst online.
The vital e-safety lessons have been a perfect opportunity to discuss with each of the classes a number of simple ‘Digital Rules’, the first rule discussed with each class was to ask for the support from an adult if they are unsure about anything whilst on their home device.
The NSPCC website has some brilliant advice for how to help manage e-safety at home.