As we approach the end of the first half-term it is lovely to see how far our littlest Foresters have come since their first day with us, which for many was only a few weeks ago.
The Nursery children have settled brilliantly, friendships are starting to develop and they are enjoying exploring and learning from both indoor and outdoor activities. Nursery staff have created a 'family photo wall’, which has proved to provide great comfort to all the children who love looking at the photos of their families and proudly point them out to their friends.
Miss Bardsley, Nursery Manager, said, ‘The Nursery is now open all year round and we had quite a few children attend the ‘non-term time provision’ over the summer. These children have settled really quickly as the setting was already familiar to them.”
This half term the children have not only been busy ‘settling in’ but have also taken part in lots of learning activities. The children have actively taken part in PE lessons with Mr C. They have been working on following instructions and developing their ball skills. The topic has been ‘ourselves’ and the children have made self portraits of themselves using fruits and vegetables.
We have had a fantastic first half term and are looking forward to our next ‘Christmas’ term. In the meantime we have our October ‘non-term time provision’ approaching and Miss Bardsley has some fun, Halloween themed activities planned including pumpkin carving. Look out for the spook-tacular creations your little monsters might bring home!