Our Year 6 Foresters are embarking on an exciting journey; their transition to secondary school. As we bid farewell for now to the children, we wish them all the best in their new schools and look forward to hearing all about their inevitable and impending successes.
Whether the children have been with us since Nursery, or joined at a later stage, here at Forest, we like to mark the end of a huge stage in their lives in a variety of ways. Today, they performed their Leavers’ Assembly to the rest of the school, which was truly wonderful and left many tearful as the children reflected on their memories of Forest Prep, from Nursery to Year 6. As a final event, tomorrow Year 6 will enjoy breakfast in the hall with their loved ones and then perform their assembly to them; be it parents, grandparents, older siblings, uncles and aunties.
We wish all our Year 6 children luck in their new endeavours and look forward to hearing how they get on.