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Sending Christmas Cheer

Sending Christmas Cheer

As with most events in 2020, we have had to adapt our school Christmas calendar, but hopefully we have managed to keep some of the festive cheer and magic of this time of year.

Ms Wellings has overseen the production of a brilliant Virtual Nativity, recorded over several months and showcasing the many talents of our Lower School children. There has been the keenly contested best window design competition- with staff and children showing their competitive natures! 

There has also been opportunities for families to provide Christmas messages through social media, thank you to Mr Booth for arranging this opportunity.

The children have also enjoyed dressing up on the final two days and watching live remote performances of magicians and pantomimes, whilst Chef Simon has provided an alternative Christmas Lunch for everyone. We look forward to seeing the return next year of favourites such as Carols in the Grounds and our church services, as well as perhaps hosting events such as the Forest X-Factor later in the year.

Finally, some thank yous. Firstly, a huge thank you to the staff at the school for their unwavering commitment, resilience and team spirit in these most challenging of times. To our parents, for their immense support, patience and cooperation and to our children, who have remained adaptable throughout the year and are simply just incredible to work with. They truly are inspirational.

I hope that you all have a restful and enjoyable holiday and that New Year brings a return to normality and opportunities and an end to phrases such as ‘bubbles’ and ‘remote learning’! 

Merry Christmas!

Rick Hyde

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Quality Eco-Schools Sainsburys School Games Gold Healthy School Edge Hill University Independent Schools Council Gifted Children

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