Our ‘Reading Friends’ scheme is back for a new year and the children in Year 1 and Year 5 have been very excited about meeting their new partners. The scheme plays an important part in helping the Year 1s develop their reading skills and our Year 5s get a lot of enjoyment from it. Mr Hyde, Year 5 teacher, said, "Not only does this popular scheme help create a passion for reading but it is also a very positive pastoral moment each week that helps to create bonds between our younger and older children."
Every Wednesday morning Year 5 pupils visit their Reading Friends in the Year 1 classroom to listen to them read and carry out a verbal comprehension together. The Year 5 children note the words their buddies are struggling with, so that they can practise with them the following week, after all practice makes perfect! They can also visit the library to choose new books of interest to share together.
The Reading Friends scheme has been running for many years and has always been very successful. Some of the Year 5 children shared their thoughts about what they like about the scheme.
CS said, ‘It is nice to share a book and enjoy it together. You also get a new friend, and they will always remember you. I still remember my reading friend from when I was in Year 1.”
SM said, “You can influence your friend into a reading ‘mindset’ so they share the same passion for reading.”
AE said, “I love helping my friend to learn how to read ‘big’ words and understand the meanings of the word.’
Mrs Burns, Year 1 teacher, is looking forward to not only seeing the children’s ability to read improve but also their LOVE for it.
The 'Reading Friends' scheme is just one of many initiatives that we run as part of our 'Character Learning' programme. Character Education aims to equip individuals with the qualities that they need to flourish in our society, such as resilience, courage and integrity.