A warm welcome back to you all at the start of a new school year. A slightly different start to the school year, nonetheless.
Over the past few months, children have spent a lot of time at home, many with reduced physical activity. They now return to school in bubbles and we are trying to utilise ‘active classrooms’ and ‘active schools’ as part of the school’s recovery plans, helping to enable children to re-engage properly with the curriculum.
There are no current sporting events planned for this term. With the current situation ‘friendly’ events are so far not planned between now and October half term. As Trafford hopefully comes out of local lockdown in the next few weeks and the situation across the whole country improves, then we hope to be able start to confirm events as per last year.
In the meantime, keep your eye out for some of Trafford’s virtual competitions which some of the children will be participating in throughout the half term.